Since I consume both of these beverages in large quantities, it was nice to see what I’ve gotten myself into! Thought I would share this essential knowledge with all of you. Enjoy.
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POLL: Pub Theology Conversation online
As part of creating space online for ongoing Pub Theology conversation, I'm considering a new Facebook group. Vote below with your thoughts. If you think I should consider something other than Facebook, let me know that in the comments. I'm in the process of creating a new Pub Theology website, so hoping whatever I create can be embedded and accessed there.
Pub Theology Recap June 16
Whose idea is it to recap a discussion on theology over beer a week later? Not a great idea. But here goes anyway. These were last week's topics, and I'll do my best to give a couple thoughts that were expressed: 1. What is your favorite part about summer? 2. How does one move forward after a tragedy? How do you explain it? 3. Is history science or art? (watch Stephen Colbert's re-enactment of Paul Revere's famous midnight ride!) 4. “Children are bad at lying for the same reason that adults are. We are born with a conscience (which is God's voice in our soul) that says it is wrong for us to bear false witness.” 5. The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man. 6. “The point of the universe is the hallowing of God's name.”
Pub Theology Recap April 28
It was a light but enjoyable evening of Pub Theology last night. The art, on the other hand, was once again ominous and imposing. The hyped-up "Duel of the Deities", or whose God was 'bigger and better', was instantly over when I pulled out my article. Who could argue with a headline like that? :)
Pub Theology Recap – St. Patty’s
We began the night with a toast to Saint Patrick, that giver of good tidings and slayer of snakes: Saint Patrick was a gentleman, who through strategy and stealth Drove all the snakes from Ireland, here's a drink to his health! But not too many drinks, lest we lose ourselves and then Forget the good Saint Patrick, and see them snakes again!
A Naive Approach to Interfaith Dialogue
I am nearly finished with Berghoef's work, which I had high hopes for. I appreciate points ... but I have to say that I do disagree about some of Berghoef's intentions. If it were merely a monograph to discuss active listening in interfaith settings, I would be all ears. But within that framework he exposes that he is not a Christian living in a ...
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Great! I will have Overcast Espresso Stout clear across the country in May for SAVOR in DC. Get an idea AND do something with it. The perfect beverage.
What about OATMEAL? What does (reading) it do to your brain?
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