Top Blogs – vote for!


Hi friends-
Christian Piatt is rounding up a list of the Top Christian Blogs – it would be great if you’d consider voting for!

I’ve been out of the loop a bit the last month or so, but our new series on atonement is up and running (check out the latest comments – next is coming post very soon!), and I anticipate posts upcoming on climate change, homosexuality, immigration, violence, top new beers I’ve enjoyed, as well as Pub Theology recaps. I’m also taking suggestions for any topics you’d like to see posts on! (Comment below). You have to scroll down – I’m somewhere in the 200’s, but I appreciate you making the effort to get into the top 100 or better!



Thanks for your vote, and for being a reader here at! Please share this via Facebook and the Twitters, voting lasts through the weekend!

UPDATE: We’re up to #115 in the rankings. Need some more votes! (It will ask you to login via FB or Twitter, but no worries – the app won’t post unless you want it to).

FINAL UPDATE: We made it to #77, not bad considering there were over 325 other blogs in the running. THANKS for all your support!


  1. I saw your blog directly above mine in the rankings. I love the idea of pub theology. We may or may not make the top 100, but I think you found at least one new follower. Oh, and I’m stealing this idea to make a “Vote for me” post. Good luck!

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