Focusing on how we can better ourselves is a popular industry these days. Best selling books often focus on self-improvement, on self-image, on increasing wealth. There is even a niche within Christianity called the “prosperity Gospel” or the “health and wealth movement.”
If you do X, God will bless you with Y.
A simple formula. Enticing, even.
I wonder, then, if Joel Osteen is almost on to something. No really. Hear me out.
We had about a dozen people at Pub Theology last night over at Right Brain Brewery in the Warehouse district.
There's nothing like coming in from the cold in Northern Michigan to a good brew and good conversation with friends and strangers!
Disclaimer: Bryan Berghoef is the husband of the cousin of a guy I went to college with. His kids swam in my pool and proclaimed it to be the best part of their California vacation. In exchange, Bryan gave me a copy of Pub Theology.
As I was reading Pub Theology, my thoughts alternated between, “Wow, this is such a great idea,” and “Wow, this is so embarrassing.” Allow me to explain.
Pamphlets are used to convey information quickly, often by summarizing.
Pub Theology is about an idea. The idea is this:
Holy Week begins this Sunday. It is a familiar week, beginning with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. But maybe so familiar that we still aren't quite hearing the full story.
Marcus Borg reminds us that there was not one, but two processions entering Jerusalem that year. Two very different processions.
I would add a commitment to Jesuslike peacemaking–practicing nonviolence, addressing injustices with nonviolent resistance, and working for reconciliation.
I agree, Josh! Thanks for adding that in.
The Dali Lama said, “If science demonstrated Buddism is wrong, then Buddism needs to change.”
I think Christianity needs to consider the truth of this statement and re-think some of it’s theology. Process Theism is one example of a theology that is in line with science.
What is progressive Christianity?
Of course, I had to Google “progressive Christianity” and I found this: “Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people.” This goes along with affirmation of human diversity. Does this include reaching out to help human diversity (community) or does it only speak about acceptance?
I would add a commitment to Jesuslike peacemaking–practicing nonviolence, addressing injustices with nonviolent resistance, and working for reconciliation.
I agree, Josh! Thanks for adding that in.
The Dali Lama said, “If science demonstrated Buddism is wrong, then Buddism needs to change.”
I think Christianity needs to consider the truth of this statement and re-think some of it’s theology. Process Theism is one example of a theology that is in line with science.
What is progressive Christianity?
Of course, I had to Google “progressive Christianity” and I found this: “Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people.” This goes along with affirmation of human diversity. Does this include reaching out to help human diversity (community) or does it only speak about acceptance?