Dark Matter

Pub Theology topics – Oct 18

In case you missed it, here were the topics on the sheet at Harmony Brewing Co. last Thursday.

1.    Rousseau said that ‘it is impossible to describe true enjoyment.’ Can words fully convey an experience?

2.    Is grace unique to Christianity?

3.    Scientists say dark matter is inferred, not seen.  Could you call that faith?

4.    Is science the discovery of what’s really out there or the construction of a way to perceive it? What about theology?

5.    “‘Real people’ are just as fictional as the characters in a novel; all our encounters with other people depend on our ability to ‘fictionalize’ them.”  Discuss.

6.    Does temporal and cultural distance create an unbridgeable gap between biblical texts and us?

No Pub Theology this week at Harmony in Grand Rapids, or Right Brain in Traverse City, as I will be on the road, and the TC group will break for this month’s Etcetera gathering, at the Good Work Collective.  Still looking for someone willing to help facilitate an ongoing Grand Rapids group – Harmony is a great setting and there is an interested group forming!
